Submission 2021 starts November


The next chance to be part of the competition will be the edition of 2021. At the end of November the registration shall be open again.

Are you interested in joining and do you want a reminder when the registration starts, please send an email to



1 To be eligible for selection a book must fulfil at least two of the three following requirements.

The work, which need not be in Dutch, must have been:

  1. published by a publisher established in the Netherlands;
  2. designed by a person holding Dutch nationality or resident in the Netherlands;
  3. printed by a printing business and/or lithographed by a lithography business and/or bound by a binding business established in the Netherlands.

2 On registering for the selection the registrant must donate to the Foundation two copies of each work; seven further copies must be provided if a work is selected as one of the Best Dutch Book Designs. These copies are stored in various archives and used for different exhibitions. For more details read the Rules.

Entry fee: the registrant pays €75 for the first title and €50 for each further title.


Read more:

Regulations and privacy

Jury and criteria