Van de zoon en de zee

Book coverVan de zoon en de zee
Book coverVan de zoon en de zee
Book coverVan de zoon en de zee
Book coverVan de zoon en de zee

The most accomplished of a three-part poetry series published by De Bezige Bij. The shiny mother of pearl cover puts us in mind of shells, drawing us into the subject matter before we even open the book. The enlargement of two words from the title – ‘zoon’ (‘son’) and ‘zee’ (‘sea’) allow the cover design to really speak. In the main matter too, contrasting typography – the sober sans serif Suisse Int’l combined with the stylish SangBleu Versailles – is used, and designer Michaël Snitker also brings these contrasting fonts together to great effect in the contents list. The translucency of the paper is used to good effect where appropriate – for example on the title page, which is visible though the half title page. In other places, an almost imperceptibly light backdrop is printed over pages marking a separation between sections; so light it is almost as if the ink has been blown across the page. A touch of class – glamour even – in this simply yet effectively designed poetry anthology.

Edition: 2019
Date of publication: October 2019
Author: Pieter Boskma
Language: Dutch
Final editor: Merijn Hollestelle
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Available through: Webshop, bookshop
Graphic designer: Michaël Snitker (Amsterdam)
Lithographer: DPS, Amsterdam
Printer: Wilco BV | Boeken & Tijdschriften, Amersfoort
Binder: Wilco BV | Boeken & Tijdschriften, Amersfoort
Size book block (w x h x d in mm): 160 x 240 x 8
Number of pages: 84
Print run: 1,000
Price: € 21.99
ISBN: 978 94 031 0850 6
Font and foundry: Suisse Int’l (Swiss Typefaces), SangBleu Versailles (Swiss Typefaces), Antique Gothic (Production Type)
Binding style: Sewn softcover with flaps
Paper for interior (grammage): 80gsm Munken Premium Cream 19.5, Arctic Paper
Material cover (grammage): 250gsm Curious Metallics Lustre, Antalis
Special features: Silver foil stamping on cover (Kurz Luxor 377) by Wilco bv | Boeken en Tijdschriften.