Schilte & Portielje. Photoworks beyond Reality. Volume II

Book coverSchilte & Portielje. Photoworks beyond Reality. Volume II
Book coverSchilte & Portielje. Photoworks beyond Reality. Volume II
Book coverSchilte & Portielje. Photoworks beyond Reality. Volume II
Book coverSchilte & Portielje. Photoworks beyond Reality. Volume II

The design of this modestly sized black book is well suited to its subject: photography by the duo Schilte & Portielje that has ties with nineteen-thirties surrealism. The small monochrome images are presented according to a simple scheme of alternating full page and isolated on the page like an old carte de visite. The faintly brown patina and the imagery evoke an erotic and sometimes sinister atmosphere of times gone by. This is complemented by the small format, black cover and gold letters, and the whole effect is one of a secret and private cabinet for the voyeur, though some members of the panel thought it verged on kitsch.

It is only on closer inspection that one realizes that these photographers are not just imitating, they are also creating anew: their images are composed of details taken from numerous sources and then carefully manipulated and edited.

Edition: 2011
Language: English
Publisher: Voetnoot Publishers, Amsterdam
Graphic designer: Schilte & Portielje
Lithographer: Slinger, Alkmaar
Printer: Slinger, Alkmaar
Binder: Jansenbinders, Leiden
Size book block (w x h x d in mm): 140 x 210 x 21
Number of pages: 160 p.
Print run: 1,500
Price: € 25
ISBN: 978 90 78068 83 9
Font and foundry: Times New Roman
Binding style: sewn hardback
Material: 150gsm Phoenix Motion Xantur (interior), 170gsm black endpaper stock (endpapers), Imperial linen, black (binding)