Matthijs Immink, Nathalie Faber – jongens/meisjesdingen

Book coverMatthijs Immink, Nathalie Faber – jongens/meisjesdingen
Book coverMatthijs Immink, Nathalie Faber – jongens/meisjesdingen
Book coverMatthijs Immink, Nathalie Faber – jongens/meisjesdingen
Book coverMatthijs Immink, Nathalie Faber – jongens/meisjesdingen

When it came to the children’s books that had been submitted, the panel fell to debating whether what the genre had to offer was not all too often determined by the tastes and beliefs of adults. ‘Responsible’ books, a politically correct message, getting down on one’s knees – isn’t it all rather boring and obvious? What do children themselves like, and how can you tell?

This square little block book of ‘boy and girl things’ departs agreeably from the norm. Apart from anything else, it isn’t a picture book full of drawings but a book of photos. This is rare – and at the same time the panel thought that children who saw these images with their concealed little jokes would appreciate them. A one-legged doll, a football in close proximity with shards of glass – they’re everyday things and situations, but they also make us ask questions and start speculating on the answers. At the same time it debunks clichés about boys and girls: take, for example, the pink toolkit and Spiderman’s tights.

Edition: 2009
Language: Dutch
Publisher: J.H. Gottmer, Haarlem
Graphic designer: me studio (Martin Pyper)
Lithographer: Scan Studio, Heemstede
Printer: Leo Paper (CN)
Binder: Leo Paper (CN)
Size book block (w x h x d in mm): 149 x 149 x 28
Number of pages: 34 p.
Print run: 3,000
Price: € 8.95
ISBN: 978 90 257 4446 5
Font and foundry: Softmachine
Binding style: cardboard book, rounded corners and 17 spacers
Material: 350gsm C1S Art Board, white