De Norbertinessen van Sint-Catharinadal

750 jaar

Book coverDe Norbertinessen van Sint-Catharinadal
Book coverDe Norbertinessen van Sint-Catharinadal
Book coverDe Norbertinessen van Sint-Catharinadal
Edition: 2021
Date of publication: November 2021
Author: Femke Deen
Language: Dutch
Image editor: Koos Breukel, Willem van Zoetendaal
Photographer: Koos Breukel
Artist: Koos Breukel
Publisher: Lecturis collab Stichting Grote Kerk Breda, Stadsarchief Breda and Stedelijk Museum Breda, Eindhoven, Breda
Available through: Bookshop, webshop
Graphic designer: Willem van Zoetendaal (Amsterdam)
Lithographer: Erik Fliek, Hilversum
Printer: robstolk®, Amsterdam
Binder: Agia, Amsterdam
Size book block (w x h x d in mm): 160 x 225 x 3 mm
Number of pages: 76 + 28 (7 wrap-around inserts)
Print run: 1000
Price: € 20
ISBN: 9789462264250
Font and foundry: Trinité (The Enschedé Font Foundry)
Binding style: Swiss-style cut-flush binding, transparently glued-off spine; cold-glued
Paper for interior (grammage): 120gsm Arena® Natural Smooth, 80gsm Lakepaper Blocker Perfect White, Fedrigoni, Gmund
Material cover (grammage): 250gsm Tintoretto Gesso, Fedrigoni
Special features: Bound with black threads in sections of 8 pages with wrap-around inserts between; text pages printed in Pantone 3015 (blue); photos printed in duotone (black and Pantone 405 (grey)); cover printed in Pantone 3015 (blue) and duotone (black and Pantone 405 (grey))