Bernard Leupen, Harald Mooij – Housing Design. A Manual

Book coverBernard Leupen, Harald Mooij – Housing Design. A Manual
Book coverBernard Leupen, Harald Mooij – Housing Design. A Manual
Book coverBernard Leupen, Harald Mooij – Housing Design. A Manual
Book coverBernard Leupen, Harald Mooij – Housing Design. A Manual

The leitmotif of this book about housing is typology. Intended as a manual, it aims to assemble all the available knowledge of the subject in a single volume by reference to examples and the structure of the house. Indeed, Housing Design has itself become an edifice, constantly displaying its own skeleton through clear pictograms and graphics and its use of a silvery green.

The two great themes in its architecture are spatial and material typology, divided into sub-themes such as zone, storey, corridor, staircase; block, detached house, high-rise; mass, roof, skin etc. Each of these is given its own pictogram, endowing the book with its own rhythm by being printed in green alongside the example to which it refers. Black is used for the project descriptions, and a final distinction is made between different kinds of text by printing them in two different fonts.

The book’s design is entirely subservient to facilitating the process of navigating through it. The panel commended the book’s uncluttered didactic approach coupled with an abundance of knowledge, the only critical note being the comment that the reproductions were on the grey side.

Edition: 2011
Language: English
Publisher: NAi Publishers, Rotterdam
Graphic designer: Studio Joost Grootens (Joost Grootens, Annemarie van den Berg, Tine van Wel, Josh Finklea)
Lithographer: Slinger, Alkmaar
Printer: Slinger, Alkmaar
Binder: Abbringh, Groningen
Size book block (w x h x d in mm): 169 x 239 x 36
Number of pages: 448 p.
Print run: 2,500
Price: € 54
ISBN: 978 90 5662 826 0
Font and foundry: Dada Grotesk, Dutch 809
Binding style: sewn hardback
Material: 115gsm Fly 02, blue white (interior), 150gsm Fly 02, blue white (endpapers), Efalin new linen, cappuccino (binding)