Anne, het Paard en de Rivier

Book coverAnne, het Paard en de Rivier
Book coverAnne, het Paard en de Rivier
Book coverAnne, het Paard en de Rivier
Book coverAnne, het Paard en de Rivier

The modest sum of fifteen euros buys a children’s book that is delicately crafted down to the gold dots on the cover. Certainly in this price bracket the attractive round spine is a well-judged choice, as is the gold foil that continues on the back. Everything is given plenty of space, and here that extends even to the title page.

The format and the way print and pictorial matter combine may not be unusual, but in its ordinariness this traditional little book is surprisingly conspicuous.

The first and last pages are the endpapers, but the astute choice of a harmonizing ochre colour tells you that this too was a considered decision. The text and dazzling illustrations are nicely balanced, producing a beautiful whole. If all these considerations became the norm for all children’s books we should have no complaints at all.


Edition: 2017
Author: Wouter Klootwijk, with illustrations by Enzo Pérès-Labourdette
Language: Dutch
Final editor: Eefje Buenen
Publisher: Leopold, Amsterdam
Graphic designer: Nanja Toebak, Den Bosch
Lithographer: Studio WPG Kindermedia, Amsterdam
Printer: Wilco | Boeken & Tijdschriften, Amersfoort
Binder: Wilco | Boeken & Tijdschriften, Amersfoort
Size book block (w x h x d in mm): 145 x 215 x 6
Number of pages: 77 p.
Print run: 2,000
Price: € 14.99
ISBN: 978 90 258 7220 5
Font and foundry: Scala (FontFont)
Binding style: sewn hardback with a rounded spine; the first and last pages are the endpapers
Material: 125gsm Munken Pure 1.13 (Antalis) (interior), 140gsm Freelife Vellum White (Fedrigoni) over 2 mm grey board (binding with Kurz Luxor 381 gold foil stamping)